You will have heard of many forms of health alternatives to aid in helping fight cancer naturally.
I have always leaned towards using herbs and vitamins and eating fresh fruit and vegetables verse going down the pharmacutical pills road. This seemed like a good time to delve into that even more so.
When I found out about my diagnosis, I contacted one of my friends mums who I knew had survived a terminal ovairan cancer diagnosis. When I asked her how she had approached her cancer journey, she told me of how she changed her diet and started having high dose vitmain C infusions. She also recommended I pay Dr Simon Bistrow a visit at the Koru Clinic. She told me how he had helped her with her cancer treatment. Another important aspect was mindset. She highlighted how you cant change a diagnosis but you can in some ways influence the prognosis. I'll touch more on mindset later on.
After I met with the Surgeons and they had told me
of my possible diagnosis, I asked my husband if we could go and buy a juicer. My mother in law had suggested I start and I guess I felt a little bit in shock. I thought to myself, "Ok I have cancer, so what am
I going to do to help myself?" and a juicer seemed like a great idea. We found the Nutribullet Juicer at Noel Leeming, it looked easy to clean and use so we got it. I felt immediatly a little more in control.
Iv now been juicing daily for over a fortnight and I have a simple favourite juice- Carrot, Beetroot, Ginger and Lemon.
I also bought the Beat Cancer Kitchen ebook. It contains juice and smoothie recipes that iv found helpful!
To aid in gaining control of my life, I made an appointment with the Dr at the Koru clinic and got some advice from him. I have now also had two Vitmain C infusions. My aunty also bought me sea cucumber supplement as she knows someone who had great success with it. So why not try that too!
Another big change I made when I began juicing was going plant based and intermittent fasting.
Iv borrowed the Chelsea Winter vegan cookbook and have been enjoying trying simple recipes in it to use for lunch and dinners.
I'm not quite ready to give up diary and eggs just yet but I can already feel the difference not eating meat.
Iv been listening to the audio book, Radical Remission by Kelly Turner. There is a lot of amazing experiences from all walks of life, detailing their journies on making lifestyle and diet changes in order to beat their cancers!
Iv done alot! I only realised that after writing this all down. I feel I deserve to give myself a clap on the back 😂
Iv had a lot of opinions on food choices and supplements I should try, foods i should avoid.
So I cant offer any concrete advice except to do your research and be discerning.
It can be overwhelming but once you find a pathway you can sustain, choose it and go with it.
I am not saying I won't do chemotherapy and radiation or whatever my oncologist would advise- I am simply sharing that there are complimentary ways to help yourself - like diet and lifestyle changes. My oncologist did point out to me that when your going through a difficult time (like having cancer 🙄) it's also important to have joy in your life and sometimes that includes comfort foods. I appreciated that perspective as I hadn't thought of that myself. So I guess balance is the key here to how I will approach my cancer journey.